Lab Equipment Repair and Maintenance
Maintenance and repair services for lab instruments and equipment.
Diamond Diagnostics is pleased to offer laboratories in the United States, Canada and the European Union several service options to make the acquisition of refurbished instrumentation seamless while offering existing instrumentation in your laboratory more cost-effective service arrangements. Covering 23 manufacturers and over 250 models, Diamond provides our customers and prospective customers with various options custom-tailored to the laboratory's needs.
Field Service Options
All units sold by Diamond Diagnostics or units qualified by Diamond Diagnostics are eligible for Field Service coverage. Service plans are the best way to maximize your instrument investment and avoid the high costs associated with instrument failure. Our plans are designed to support optimum instrument performance, ensure reproducible results and minimize down-time. Our service plans provide a timely response from our dedicated engineers who are certified on an ongoing basis to ensure top-notch results, even in the most complex laboratory environments.
: Included
: Chargeable
: None
* Contact for more details

Preventive Maintenance
For the laboratory looking to manage manufacture recommended preventative maintenance (PM) schedules for instrumentation at a fixed cost. The PM Service Plan will increase the reliability and reduce the risk and costs of unplanned maintenance and equipment downtime. Our plans are scheduled and planned around your specific instrument and operational needs.

Depot Repair Per Diem
For the laboratory looking to maximize the life of their instrumentation while effectively managing repair costs. The Depot Repair is a per diem plan designed for any size instrument needing major repair, complete rebuild or recycling.

Annual Depot Repair
For the laboratory looking to maximize the life of their instrumentation while effectively managing repair costs. Annual Depot Repair is an annual based plan designed for small to mid-sized instruments needing maintenance or repairs and can be easily shipped by your local carrier to our Depot Service Facility in Holliston, MA.

Phone Support
For the laboratory employing qualified service professionals, the Virtual Plan may be a suitable choice to replace or supplement Field Services. The Virtual plan offers its customers support by email and telephone, within business hours with communication directly with Clinical Engineering staff specialized in the model of instrumentation that the laboratory is utilizing. The Virtual Plan is annual.

Facilities looking to relocate instrumentation from one site to another should contact Diamond to handle any or all aspects of the process including decommission, decontamination, transit and installation at the new site.

Facilities looking to reactivate an instrument which was previously decommissioned and stored can look to Diamond to re-commission the unit for active use.

Facilities looking to decommission their instrumentation for later use, storage, transit or sale, Diamond prepares the unit through a complete shutdown process.

Facilities looking to decontaminate a previously utilized instrument can utilize Diamond for the entire process including onsite decontamination and certification.

Training, Diamond Device
For the customer that desires training with more content, Diamond offers on-site training sessions which supplement and follow the Installation. The session will include a Full Instrument Orientation, Full Menu Orientation, Instruction on adding parameters, sequential testing, preventive maintenance and operator level service troubleshooting. Training will include a 1 hour open question/answer session to gain familiarity to topics not yet covered.

Assay Programming
While many reagent suppliers are able to provide reagent application services, Diamond offers services to assist with programming assays beyond the assays programmed and verified during installation. Diamond is able to program the system, install reagents, perform calibration and perform quality control in multi-levels for Chemistry, Coagulation and Immunology Assays.